How are you? I hope you're doing well and that it's sunny where you are but if it's raining, and the chances are that it is if you live in Britain, then just go and have a dance in the rain! Just remember to have a warm shower and cup of tea when you get back in :).
For the purposes of this blog, my name is Kally, which is so close to the real thing that you shouldn't be put off by a little white lie (confidentiality blah blah). I'm 24 years old, live in Surrey and I work as a Teaching Assistant with a specialism in French and Spanish.
I love to play on my Xbox, read, write, go for walks and play sports.
I live with a Mental Health Condition. Now, I don't mean that I have a pet and I've name it Mental Health Condition. That would be silly! I struggle daily with severe depression, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Anxiety and Borderline Personality Disorder.
I let my Mental Health Condition define me about as much as my being a girl, liking girls and playing on the Xbox does. Labels are costly, and not just on designer clothes. I don't believe in labels but I believe that people who are labelled are misunderstood. While I struggle, I want to document my struggles and be honest about the why's and the how's in the hopes that those of you who don't struggle with a condition like this can learn to appreciate what it is like for me. I don't pretend to be the definition of each of my conditions; we're all different and that's the beauty of humanity.
If you think that yourself or a loved one could be suffering from one of this conditions or something similar; or if something you have read here has triggered you, please seek help. We weren't meant to take this journey of life alone. People love you, remember that and if you forget that, just ask Pooh Bear - he's a very wise bear.
Be Safe. Kally X
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