Thursday, 18 December 2014

The Return!


Hello to you all!

It has been a while since I posted anything here and a whole host of things have happened. For a brief catchup on those thing, feel free to check out my videos over on my YouTube channel, where I will soon be uploading new videos.

Since you last read about my life, I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disroder, I have been taken advantage of and raped, faced homelessness having to live in a B&B, had to call 999 and spend a morning in A&E and moved into a new flat just before Christmas. It has been quite a ride.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I couldn't have survived any of that without my friends or the support of Croydon Drop-In. Now I have Family Mosaic to add to the list because they're another invaluable organisation. 

As of the stroke of midnight I am 23 days self-harm free. This is a huge achievement for me. I aim to make it to 31 days. Then 2 months. It's an ongoing battle but I'm willing to fight it. 

I shall be back soon to talk to you some more!

Stay safe 

:) x

Monday, 25 August 2014



Today, I did the Ice Bucket Challenge for ALS. 

Please watch and share the video to raise money and awareness. 

Thank you!

Monday, 18 August 2014

An Incoming Storm.


There's an incoming storm today though the sky is full of bright, yellow light and it would seem as if all hope were housed in the sunshine. I did some Feng Shui stuff to my room this weekend and made it into a much more productive space for working and relaxing. The sun now shines upon my face. An hour ago this would have made for a very different picture than it does now. I was happy an hour ago that I had completed so much in a few hours of being awake and I was beating depression's ass quite well. Having been downstairs and mentioned one tiny thing about a police woman and a video statement to my house mate; she launched into a story about the film she had seen the night before on the television - long story short - there's incest. I got the full and detailed description from my house mate. Why? I didn't ask for that. 

When faced with somebody who opens up a little bit about their own life; people just shouldn't assume that it means they want to hear about other people who suffered the same or worse. That doesn't help. I feel guilty and sick about my own life. I lived through my own nightmare growing up and I still live through it now due to my PTSD. I feel guilty that my pain takes up NHS funding to deal with it when somebody else could have that help. I don't need to hear about other people being abused. It's abhorrent that it happens to anybody at all. The worst nightmare children should have to deal with is a monster under the bed; nothing more.

Telling me a story about abuse when I'm questioning my entire childhood doesn't help. I feel sick. I feel worthless. The only thing that I can succeed at right now is to cut my wrist. I don't want to but this pain in my chest is overwhelming and the only way that I know to get rid of it is to cut. Old scars become new scars. Emotional pain becomes physical pain. Physical pain is easy to deal with. 

"I use pain to deal with pain." ~4

Monday, 11 August 2014

Robin Williams.


The world lost a great man today. He was intelligent, funny and very much loved by a lot of people; not just his family. Robin Williams died today and the police suspect that he committed suicide. The online world has been shocked by this news and it was met with real sadness and love. I didn't know him personally and you probably didn't either but he made a difference to my life. 

I often struggle to remember happy times during my childhood and off the top of my head I wouldn't be able to tell you any but this man was loved by all of my family. Sitting in front of a family show like Flubber or Jumanji was a peaceful time for our family but we especially loved Mrs Doubtfire and would always gather to watch it if it was showing on the TV at Christmas or throughout the year. There were many laughs to be had and mutual happiness to be felt. There was no abuse; no beatings, no shouting, nothing to make me cry from fear or pain. I can tell you that I was as happy as I could be during those moments when my family was doing what most families do; something normal. 

Depression can affect anybody at any time of their lives and it doesn't matter where they live. There are children, teenagers, youths, adults and older adults committing suicide right now. Robin Williams was 63 and depression affected him; ending in the worst outcome but I hope he has found peace now and that his demons no longer attack him. 

Robin Williams may have outwardly been one of the happiest and funniest people on TV but that doesn't mean that he didn't have problems. He was rich but depression doesn't care about wealth or status. I have seen comments from people saying that it can't be true for Robin Williams to have committed suicide because "he didn't seem the type". What does that mean? Is there a type for depression? Does a person look inside the bag of illnesses and think, "Yep, that's the illness to suit me". Nobody picks depression. Nobody chooses to feel so worthless that getting out of bed becomes a struggle. 

If somebody dies from cancer, nobody says, "they didn't seem the type". Have some respect and take this illness with the severity that it demands. Depression takes more lives than cancer does but there is less funding for it and it is still very much a taboo subject. Don't underestimate this illness and don't just assume that somebody is happy and perfectly fine just because they appear to never stop smiling. We never know what goes on in people's lives unless we experience it ourselves or have an inside view. 

Depression deserves to be seen and spoken about. Depression is an illness. It takes lives.  It demands to be taken as seriously as cancer or raging wars. It can affect us all.

If you suspect that you or somebody you know suffers from depression, then please seek help. It is a sign of courage to ask for help; not a sign of weakness. 

Numbers To Call

Please check the link below for links to suicide prevention lines. 

Saturday, 9 August 2014



I was free from The Monster for 8 days. They were long days and I heard him tapping away in my head but I ignored him. Sometimes, it was really difficult. I thought that having a friend to stay would make it easier but it turns out that it was much harder than I thought. I’ve waited to write this because I wasn’t sure of the words to say about it. I loved having the company. I loved that there was somebody there worrying about me and that I was accountable to another human being so I couldn’t just cave in to The Monster or go for a walk to shut him up. Much as I loved it, I was always anxious. When you’re depressed, a whole day can seem like a lifetime sometimes and a week can feel like an eternity. I don’t know how to express how grateful I am that I had one of my best friends here for that long; Lord knows she got the raw end of the deal with the things she had to listen to and we know it’s never fun hanging out with somebody who is depressed. I am truly grateful; I am. But The Monster in my head is pissed off. I couldn’t find the words before to say how difficult it is to hold it together for somebody else.
During those 8 days, I had laughs and food and I made it to all of my appointments. I spent time doing things with another living person instead of sitting alone in my room. I barely slept though and if I did sleep; it was at the wrong times and for the wrong reasons. I remember not wanting to wake her up because she needed to sleep. I remember staring at my anti-depressants and just wishing for a quick end and for my head to stop causing so much torment when I had exactly what I wanted; a friend and to not be alone. It just wouldn’t stop. Bang, bang, bang. Over and over again with no reprieve. I stared at the spot where I knew my razor blade was. I longingly looked at it. I couldn’t touch it. It wouldn’t be very fair to let her wake up the next day and find me in a worse mess than before she went to sleep. So I sat in my tent. I rocked backwards and forwards. I cried as silently as I could. I tried not to let on how tired I was or how scared I was that the minute she left I would cave.
One day, she went to see a friend in London. That was a difficult day for me because I knew even before she left what I wanted to do and what I thought I deserved to do. I didn’t do it. The guilt that I thought I would feel to see her face if she came back and I’d cut myself was worse than the guilt I was feeling. I hate myself but it’s not fair to make other people see the pain you’re in. I want to, all of the time I want to prove just how much it hurts and that’s why it’s a compulsion to cut or to be sick but it isn’t fair on other people. Being selfish, yes – there’s no way to avoid that but it can’t be seen and when it can be seen, it can’t be believed. For me; to commit suicide is to be selfless. My depression tells me that I am a burden on society. It tells me that I shouldn’t ask for help every week from a counsellor because maybe an 11 year old deserves the help more than I do. Maybe they’re not as messed up as me or maybe they didn’t do as many bad things as my depression tells me I did. So, for me, if I committed suicide, I would be saving a lot of people from a lot of bother. I already know I’ve had people walk out of my life because it was too difficult to be there. I don’t hold it against them. It’s hard to be a friend to somebody who is depressed because it’s relentless and it’s so damn repetitive and honestly, if I didn’t know what it was like to be this way and live like this, I probably wouldn’t want to try as hard as my friends do to be a friend to me. Depression is draining on everybody. It drains NHS money. It drains friendships and relationships. It drains the people that it affects. Mental Health issues are draining on our society and we’re told so many times to just, “get on with it”, “be happy”, “try harder”, “just stop being sad” and so we take the problem away. We kill ourselves to save you from being drained. Jesus died to forgive us our sins. We die so you don’t have to moan about money being spent on us instead of Cancer Care. We kill ourselves because life is miserable for us but we don’t want it to be miserable for you.
My friend went a few days ago. Predictably, she had been gone a few hours and I’d already cut myself. It was a release for me. Now, it is three days later and I can proudly say that I am self-harm free for my third day. This is an achievement for me at this present time. I do not care about the past right now and I do not care about the possible screw ups of the future. I am here and I am fighting; for my life, for the chance to have a future and to become a person who changes the lives of young people who think they are a drain on society (because they’re told they are). I don’t know if writing this here is the cowardly way of telling my best friend how difficult it was but keeping things bottled up never helps; something she tells me a lot and so here I am, baring the truth to her eternally in my writing.
The funny thing is, I know that she’s reading this and maybe she’s crying, maybe she’s not but I know for sure that she’s saying, “Why didn’t you just wake me up?” I couldn’t. It’s easier to share how bad things are and how I’ve done silly things when I’m typing it. It takes more courage to tell somebody in person and I’m still fresh off my breaking down in front of the counsellor suicidal night and the memories of being so pathetic that don’t fill me with pride.
I’m lucky, really. I have friends who will stand by me no matter what. They may not always understand but they stick by my side and do what they can to make me see the good in the world; the good in myself. Thank You, All <3.
This is the end of my third self-harm free day. I am free right now. I am alive.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


I never thought of myself as somebody who had power over anything, really. I have no power over people dropping bombs or Mother Nature ripping cities to shreds. I have no power to change the weather. We all have power over something though; maybe we just don’t realise it until we become powerless. Power can be found in the smallest actions.
Power is defined as the ability or capacity to do something or to act in a particular way; the power of speech for example is quite clearly the ability to talk. Not all of us have this power. It’s not a superpower by any stretch, but it’s a power and without it, we’re powerless. We’re powerless to the cruel world and the dangers on every corner. If we can’t hear, we’re powerless to the dangers of the oncoming storms. If we cannot see, we’re powerless to the wars around us.
I have the power of speech and sight and hearing; I’d be lost without these and yet still any one of these would be more understandable and accepted than the ways I have lost my power. As a child, growing up, I had the power to eat, the power to get out of bed, the power to walk, the list goes on. I had power over myself. I’ve lost this power. I’ve become powerless to The Monster within me.
The Monster forces me to put my fingers down my throat as far as they will go. I know I shouldn’t do this. I know I don’t want to do this. The back of my throat isn’t a place that I want to explore. I am crying and I’m wishing somebody would walk by this way and stop me from doing this. Please. Somebody, just stop this. I scream into the void of my brain. “Stop!” bounces off the sides of my head like the constant echo of “hello” in a cave.
I am powerless. I am struck by fear. I am paralysed. My senses are heightened. The leaves rustle all around me. The water trickles behind me, snaking its way through the landscape towards its prey. Somebody coughs but there is nobody around me; a passer-by in the distance oblivious to the war that rages on. I think that I can quell The Monster with a drink but the juice encourages him. I repeat the action over and over. With every new act of forceful violence against my throat, I am struck by some new fear. I am powerless to this and I cannot see the way out so I continue to push until I am empty and there is nothing left for me to offer. I lack the energy to walk home; I stumble and I am close to falling many times. I hear movements all around me; the rustle of a leaf is an oncoming fox attack. Further I walk but I do not reach my destination. I am caught in the timelessness. I listen to the world outside; to the birds humming their nightly songs, to the people enjoying their Saturday night freedom, to the fox as it forages for scraps of food, to the cars as they travel their weary roads and still I am lost.
I don’t know who won because I don’t understand if The Monster is me or not. How can it be something else? It must be me? But I know I don’t want this for myself and it’s so horrible that most of me wishes Death would come by to take me instead. Hours later, as I write this, my throat burns like the glowing fire but it is far from pretty. There is no remedy for the constant pain that I feel and sleep will not come. I have been punished. I’m afraid, anyway, that if I go to bed, I’ll never get out of it again. So I stay awake and I write. I listen to the birds as they sing their morning songs and I watch the sun as it rises to start its day, oblivious to the conflicts of the world and its people.

Thursday, 24 July 2014


I’ve never really seen the pathetic side of my depression before but it’s so sad that it’s rather funny. I moved my trousers into my wardrobe to stop my OCD since I didn’t want to aggravate it. I took a step backwards, accidentally stepping on the Aladdin jigsaw and misplacing a few pieces. Nothing broken that couldn’t be fixed instantly and yet I fell upon the floor in a heap, like discarded clothing in a teenager’s room. The snotty, crying, sexy mess that was me fixed that puzzle even in the deluded state of pathetic being. It’s not really funny at all. I felt like the world had ended. Now I just feel numb.

Too Strong For Too Long.

I used to worry about receiving letters in the post because they’re almost always referring to my inability to manage my life; overdrawn in this account, owing on that account, you still haven’t paid your phone bill, blah, blah, blah. I’m not sure I even worry about that stuff anymore; I’ve just sort of accepted that’s the way it is. Now, I get letters telling me to make doctor’s appointments, to visit the hospital for an endoscopy, to visit a therapist and while we’re at it, let’s get you to visit some other clinician just for good measure. The simple truth is that I am absolutely lousy at managing my own life and looking after myself. I think there are some people who would argue against this because I’m still alive and that should be proof enough that I am doing quite alright at life but I’m inclined to disagree.
The doctor is sending me to the hospital for an urgent endoscopy. Sometimes, when the emotions become too much and I have to get rid of things I try to be sick whether I’ve eaten enough or not. Sometimes, it’s not even that I’ve binged but I feel entirely worthless so I make myself sick anyway, only there’s nothing to come up. Sometimes blood comes up and it’s fresh but I’d just been ignoring it because that seemed to be easier. I didn’t want to admit to myself that things had become worse and I didn’t want to admit it to my doctor; every time I see her, it’s like we both realise I’m slipping further and further while trying to maintain some sense of normality for the outside world. I wonder if she worries about me ending up in hospital as much as I do. Today was no exception; concern was etched on her face as plainly as the scars on my arm. I should have been more worried myself. I should have taken it as a sign to stay together. I failed.
My fight and flight response is completely erratic right now. I recognised the threat and perceived it to be just as damaging as taking a knife to my skin; my constant throwing up has maybe caused a tear somewhere and that would explain the blood. I understand that threat and the fear of having an endoscopy is great, most definitely not something I would like to experience at all and I can only imagine how badly my panic will hit the roof. I fear it will never stop. I know the procedure and it looks scary. Considering the amount of times I’ve made myself sick, you’d think the idea of having a camera down my throat wouldn’t be that scary but I can just imagine now how panicked I will be and I’ll most likely choke. Maybe I’ll choke to death. Who knows?
 I should have eaten my food and taken my tablets straight away. I got scared, really scared. In trying to avoid the rising fear and panic in my head, I did exactly what I wasn’t supposed to. I made myself sick. I took my water into the bathroom. I was in there for over half an hour and it was far from pleasant. Why did I do this? I don’t understand it? I don’t want this at all. What’s wrong with me? I didn’t just drink the water to ready myself, to give my stomach some more incentive to let the food freely flow back up. I didn’t just clench my stomach muscles. I didn’t just put my fingers down my throat and push. I kept pushing. Methodically, I pushed and pushed. *Drink, clench, fingers in throat, clench, push, choke*. This repeated. Sometimes when I’m making myself sick, I get so frustrated that nothing is coming back up that I just abandon the quest. Today scared me though. I can remember my thoughts and the conversation that happened, the argument that took place but whether it was between Me and The Monster, I don’t know. Maybe it was just Me arguing with Me. I don’t know which is more frightening, which saddens me more, which threatens my existence. If I’m fighting myself then I don’t see how I can win.
“There’s nothing there.”
“So, try harder.”
“That’s just how it works.”
“But I can’t bring anything up.”
“You can if you push. Just keep pushing.”
“Well, what if I’m too tired? What if I don’t have the energy to push anymore? What if I just want to give up?”
“Then you’re even failing at having an eating disorder. Are you actually being sick? Or are you pretending? Is this a problem? Do you hate the way you look? Do you hate that you’re incredibly fat and disgusting? Did you come in here to actually be sick or to just play at being sick? You can’t play at having an eating disorder”
He’s right. So I pushed and pushed. Sure enough, if you keep pushing something it will always happen, for good or bad. Maybe it would be okay if I could rationalise it to think that I’m getting rid of the bad parts of me but I’m not. I’m still full of hatred and anger. I’m still full of the person that other people walk away from. I’m still full of the ‘me’ that I hate. Still full of the ‘me’, who pushes and pushes until people leave and then she just moans and moans. I hear myself crying all the time, “feel sorry for me, and help me, please!”
Why? Why should anybody help? It’s my fault I’m being sick. I’m making myself sick. That’s not normal. It’s disgusting. How could anybody respect this?
I just don’t understand myself anymore. I can’t even find the words to describe my own stupidity. My positivity jar says that I’m a loyal friend and I pride myself on that, I really do but how can I be a loyal friend if I’m not alive anymore? I’m scared that I’ll just keep pushing myself until I don’t exist anymore. Maybe I can save myself before that happens. I don’t want to be a friend who breaks promises and can’t save other people if she’s already dead.