Thursday 18 December 2014

The Return!


Hello to you all!

It has been a while since I posted anything here and a whole host of things have happened. For a brief catchup on those thing, feel free to check out my videos over on my YouTube channel, where I will soon be uploading new videos.

Since you last read about my life, I have been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disroder, I have been taken advantage of and raped, faced homelessness having to live in a B&B, had to call 999 and spend a morning in A&E and moved into a new flat just before Christmas. It has been quite a ride.

Firstly, I'd like to say that I couldn't have survived any of that without my friends or the support of Croydon Drop-In. Now I have Family Mosaic to add to the list because they're another invaluable organisation. 

As of the stroke of midnight I am 23 days self-harm free. This is a huge achievement for me. I aim to make it to 31 days. Then 2 months. It's an ongoing battle but I'm willing to fight it. 

I shall be back soon to talk to you some more!

Stay safe 

:) x

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